February 05, 2025

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Winter Deals!
  • Promotion. Open gift box 🎁

  • We specialize in Quinceañeras, Weddings, Engagements, Bridal, Family, Seniors and more.

  • Reserva tu Fiesta de Quinces en Enero - Febrero 2023 y obten Pre-Event photoshoot gratis!!

  • Captamos lo mejor de tu evento en foto y video.

  • Los mejores paquetes y precios para bodas y 15 años en New York


Epic storytelling through cinematic films & breathtaking Quinces photography.

Call Now : 347-6348456

For certain moments in our life, no amount of photography is enough. Your quinceanera’s special journey, shouldn’t be one of those moments. Quinceaneras NYC  Photo and Video and Photography offers several types of videography to allow you take these delightful memories with you.

Our videography covers from all of our quinceanera precious moments from the moment she’s getting ready for her quinceaera photography sessions, to when she mesmerized the crowd with her elegance at her quinceranera party.

For example, your quincenanera can have her very own spotlight in her very own music video. Which of course, we can any background song, choreography, or friends she might like to bring along, anything she might imagine to capture her wonderous true quinceanera self.





New York Video for Quinces & Sweet 16. Videographer Sweet Sixteen Video in New York

Sweet16 Quinceanera photo and video New York