February 06, 2025

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How to Snag a Cutie at your Quinceanera Party

How to Snag a Cutie at your Quinceanera Party

So you’ve got your eye on a cute guy but aren’t really sure how to approach him? Maybe you’re nervous or want to be sure he likes you back before you make your move! Inviting your crush to your Sweet 16 party is a great opportunity to test the waters! A group environment puts way less pressure on both you and your guy. If you follow our eight tips, your Sweet 16 may get a little sweeter!

  1. Play Your Theme Song. Before your party starts, make sure that you listen to the song that gets you the most amped! If you’re feeling on top of the world at your party, it will show. Guys love it when girls are sure of themselves, and even if things don’t work out with your crush, you’ll have gotten to dance with your friends to your favorite jam!
  2. Be Yourself. While it might be tempting to pretend to like everything that your crush likes, being genuine will work out much better for you in the long run! If you’re being totally yourself, you’ll be impossible to resist- and you’ll find the guy who likes you, for you.
  3. Fake It ‘Til You Make It. Talking to boys can be nerve-wracking! What if you walk up to your crush and can’t think of anything to say?! If you fake a little confidence, you’ll be feeling naturally confident before you know it!
  4. Be Interested. If you’ve finally gotten the chance to talk to your crush for a few minutes, make sure that you’re acting engaged in the conversation! Even little things like nodding your head and saying “mmhmmm” and “yeah” let him know that you care about what he has to say!
  5. Smile. It might be hard to smile if you’re nervous to be talking to your crush, but give it a try! After all, you’re supposed to be having fun! Allow yourself to let loose and smile. It will probably help a lot with the nerves, and remind you that enjoying yourself is really the goal.
  6. Tease Him. Most guys tease their good buddies all the time. Poking a little fun (in a silly and light hearted way) will show him that you like to have fun and that you don’t take things too seriously- two super important points for many dudes!
  7. Tell a Joke. Having a joke in your back pocket to be able to whip out at any moment is an awesome way to break the ice with your crush! If you find yourself in the middle of an awkward pause, just tell your go-to joke! It’s a great way to get your crush laughing.
  8. Give a Compliment. If you like something specific about your crush- say his hair or his sense of humor or awesome jump shot, don’t be afraid to let him know! Guys love to be complimented just as much as girls do- and it will show him that you’re paying attention!

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