February 12, 2025

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  • We specialize in Quinceañeras, Weddings, Engagements, Bridal, Family, Seniors and more.

  • Reserva tu Fiesta de Quinces en Enero - Febrero 2023 y obten Pre-Event photoshoot gratis!!

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  • Los mejores paquetes y precios para bodas y 15 años en New York

Blog – Quinceañeras & Sweet 16 Guide

New York Quinceaneras Photography-Video

Blog of Quinceaneras: Quinceañera tips and advice

Fotografía y video de Quinceañeras y bodas en  Nueva York

dont having party BLOG
Sweet16 Photographer and video in NYC
Sweet16 Photographer and video in NYC

New York Quinceaneras Photography-Video

New York Quinceaneras Photography-Video

Fotografía y video de Quinceañeras y bodas en  Nueva York

Our Visitors are checking  out our samples below for Quinceañera and Sweet 16’s Photography & Video


Quick Tips from our Experts to Help You Plan Your Quinceañera

Ask your Church 

It’s traditional—but not mandatory—to have a Misa de acción de gracias, a “Mass of Giving Thanks” before your reception.

This is a beautiful part of a traditional Quinceanera, but you should be aware that your Church might have some conditions you must meet.

You might have to give a donation so unless you’ve saved up, your parents will have to pay for that.

You might also be required to either already be a regular participant in the parish activities, become a regular participant during the months before your Quince. Sometimes you’ll also have to take special classes or do some kind of charity work.

The other thing to be aware of is that a Quinceanera Mass is not considered a “sacrament.” Marriage is a sacrament, so anyone wanting to get married on your Quinceanera day will be given preference in the Church calendar.

The definitive guide for Quinceañeras & Sweet 16 in New York.


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