February 06, 2025

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  • We specialize in Quinceañeras, Weddings, Engagements, Bridal, Family, Seniors and more.

  • Reserva tu Fiesta de Quinces en Enero - Febrero 2023 y obten Pre-Event photoshoot gratis!!

  • Captamos lo mejor de tu evento en foto y video.

  • Los mejores paquetes y precios para bodas y 15 años en New York

When Should I Hire My Quinceañera Photographer and Videographer in New York?

Finding a Quinceañera Photographer & Videographer

New York Quinceañeras Photography

The first thing to do is find the photographer & videographer that you want. You should start your search when you start planning your quince. For most, this is just
after your daughter turns 14 and you have a year before the party.

You can choose a photographer & videographer because of many different reasons; their style, personality or price range, but once you make your choice it is best to book them early. We think of quinceañeras like a wedding, without the groom, mixed with a debutante ball, and they take a lot of planning and work so don’t wait until the last minute.

Booking your Quinceañera Photographer

As a photographer I suggest booking at the very latest 6 months prior to your quince. I prefer earlier at 9 or 10 months prior, but 6 or 7 months (at thelatest) still gives enough time to know all the details about your event, give some suggestions for a timeline, schedule in any other photography sessions like a pre-quince session, and if necessary working out a payment plan.

When you book your photographer & videographer for quinceaneras in new york make sure that they have a contract for you to sign, and take the time to read it.  A contract usually goes over anything and everything that is expected of both the client and the photographer. It will usually cover basics from date, time and number of hours you hired the photographer to cancellations, and what happens if the photographer gets sick and can’t make it.

Photographers also require an initial payment or retainer fee at the time of booking. This is just a first or partial payment, kind of like “here’s some money, I really want to work with you, save me a spot” type of thing. We require an initial payment and contract signed before you are considered booked in our calendar.

We don’t hold or save a date for anyone without both of these things because people can easily change their minds.

Also we having the Most affordable prices for your photo and video. With more than 20 years of experience and having lots of events in our past.

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