February 12, 2025

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Save the Date for your Quinces & Sweet 16 and Don’t Be Late!

Save the Date for your Quinces & Sweet 16 and Don’t Be Late!

We are so excited to help you plan your big event! One of the most important parts of planning your event is making sure that your friends and family show up. They need to know when and where the party is, along with other important event details. You can share your event details in a few ways:

  1. Save the Dates (see below)
  2. Formal Invitations 
  3. Share Your event like a pro

Use your Instagram page to save the date!

You can share your event page link with friends and family via text, instagram, facebook, and many other ways! This is a very helpful tool because you can share all these important details below just by using your social media profiles. It looks like this: 
You can share the link with something like

“Hi Tio and Tia, I would love for you to be able to attend my event on (date). I don’t know all the details yet, but I know I want you to be there! Please save the date! See you there!”

Tips to save your date

Not everyone sends save-the-dates for their big days, while other families have held the tradition for generations, and wait by the mailbox for their save-the-date. There are benefits to sending them: especially if your celebration is in a busy season, or near a holiday. It ensures that your guests have their calendars marked for your big day!

Your save-the-dates should be sent out about 6-8 months prior to your event, which means you should order them at the 9-month mark. If you are having a destination wedding, quince, or other events, send out the save-the-dates even earlier, so everyone gets a chance to attend.

Details your save-the-dates should include

  1.  Quinceañera’s/ Event Host Name(s)
  2. The city and state of the venue(s): You don’t need to include the venue on your save-the-date, you may not know it yet. By including at least the city and state, your guests can make travel and hotel arrangements (and make sure someone is watching the dog!)
  3. Event Date: Just the date is fine, the time and more details will follow on your invitation.
  4. The phrase “Formal Invitation to follow” to avoid questions about details you may not have planned yet.

Things you don’t need to include

1. The venue (formal invitation)

2. Registry details (formal invitation)

3. RSVP Card (formal invitation)  

Addressing your save-the-dates

Remember your budget and the number of guests you hope to be at your event. Sending out save-the-dates to “The Valenzuela  Family” means that the whole Valenzuela family is invited (all 8 of them). If you are planning on only inviting the parents of a household, address the envelope to “Mr. and Mrs. Valenzuela” so it is clear who’s invited. If your cousin Maria has a serious boyfriend, this is the time to figure out his name or add “Cousin Maria and Guest” to her envelope.


The theme of your save the date should follow the event theme itself. Think about the first impression people will get when they open your save-the-date and put it on their fridge. The theme you create here can be applied to the invitations as well. Using a similar font or color pattern on both the save-the-dates and invitations makes them look more coordinated.


Are you on a tight budget? Instead of getting top-quality customized gold plated invitations, consider going online to sites like Vistaprint: you can create beautiful, customized invitations yourself, without paying the markup to the stationery designer. This allows you to keep more important things in your budget – like cake.


When it comes time to order your stationery, you have options. Traditional stationery stores will custom-make your save-the-dates: but it may be costly. By designing your own save-the-dates, you also cut out the stationery store markup.

Happy planning!

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